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About Us


Ashley Gerein

Co- Founder


Tyler Gerein

Co- Founder



In your 20s, people are pressured to have every aspect of their lives figured out. But life has taught us that you most likely won’t have it “figured out” and that’s okay! As a human, we still have plenty of things to learn, from successful and unsuccessful people who have paved the way or have made mistakes so we can avoid those mistakes.


As siblings, we will have similar experiences, completing secondary education and navigating future careers and ambitions, evolving family and close friendship dynamics, and a global pandemic, yet we were still at very different places in life. It wasn’t until we both dove into the world of self-improvement and learning- podcasts, books, audiobooks, videos- you name it, that we found momentum for something exciting! 


We quickly realized that there is a lot of information out there and like most people, we want to maximize our time and efforts to get the greatest value! 


Join us, and come say hi! You never know what opportunities may come from something so simple as reading a book or meeting someone new. A couple of pages or a couple of conversations can change your life.

Now’s your time, you have everything to gain!


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